Hey, I'm @Marcin_Seweryn.
Check out my projects
About Me
Welcome to my corner of the Internet! I'm on a coding journey since 2022. My path has been one of self-learning, driven by a deep passion for programming and an insatiable curiosity to understand how things work. What excites me most about this field is the problem-solving aspect—there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of finding a solution and seeing the impact of my work. My goal is to continually expand my skill set, diving into new technologies and methodologies to not only improve myself but also to contribute to the development of innovative solutions. Let's build something amazing together!
The projects in my portfolio reflect my journey through software development, beginning with basic algorithms and data structures. I hoped to lay down a foundation for more complex software solutions. Moving from theory, I ventured into developing an e-commerce website for electronics, a project that marked my initial experience with Java, Spring frameworks, and Thymeleaf for dynamic content. The project was an opportunity for me to experiment with creating a user-friendly platform, albeit with plenty of room for growth and learning.
My Projects
Algorithms & data structures
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E-commerce website
Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Elementum tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium quam. Nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium
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